Most Purchase Agreements Are Contingent on Which Items

When it comes to purchasing a property or a product, most purchase agreements are contingent on certain items. These contingencies are clauses in the contract that must be met before the purchase can be finalized. Understanding these contingencies is crucial for both buyers and sellers to ensure a smooth and successful transaction.

Financing Contingencies

One of the most common contingencies in a purchase agreement is the financing contingency. This clause makes the purchase of the property or product dependent on the buyer being able to secure financing. It means that if the buyer is unable to obtain the necessary financing, they can back out of the purchase agreement without penalty.

Inspection Contingencies

Inspection contingencies are also common in purchase agreements. This clause allows the buyer to have the property or product inspected by a professional before finalizing the purchase. If there are any issues found during the inspection that the buyer is not willing to accept, they can back out of the agreement or request repairs.

Appraisal Contingencies

Appraisal contingencies are another common clause in purchase agreements. This clause allows the buyer to have the property or product appraised to ensure that it is worth the agreed-upon purchase price. If the appraisal comes back lower than the agreed-upon purchase price, the buyer may be able to negotiate a lower price, or they can back out of the agreement altogether.

Title Contingencies

A title contingency is a clause that ensures the title to the property or product is clear and free of any liens or encumbrances. If there are any issues with the title, such as outstanding liens or disputes over ownership, the buyer can back out of the agreement or request that the seller address the issue before finalizing the purchase.

Closing Contingencies

Lastly, closing contingencies are clauses that ensure all necessary paperwork is completed and submitted before the final purchase can be completed. This includes ensuring that all necessary permits and inspections are completed and that all necessary documents are signed and submitted.


In conclusion, understanding the most common contingencies in purchase agreements is essential for buyers and sellers alike. By including these clauses in the purchase agreement, all parties involved can ensure a smooth and successful transaction. If you`re in the process of making a purchase, be sure to work with professionals who can help you understand and navigate these contingencies.